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Is life without beer and jerky really a life at all?


When I think why wife can't get any lower she was awarded my fucking car in the divorce even tho I bought it .


Love is love let people be JESUS I saw someone scold a lesbian couple the other day when they were holding hands and shared a kiss.


I'm new to this site so here is a quick rant. So today my boss moved the pepper shaker and salt shaker from the original spot that they have been kept for 5 GOD DAMN YEARS... 5 FUCKING YEARS why in the sam hell would you change their location now.


Why in the hell do my neighbors keep getting the wrong door? they just walked right in. We have 2 different apartment numbers learn to look at the numbers you dumb shits.


sooooooooo IF YOU HATE #USA then leave simple as that


Why does #biden look like he is high as fuck


Is it true that once you go black you never go back?


Wtf dude what is it with guys thinking the can just randomly smack my ass just because I give them a little bit of attention.


Fuck you and your sick fantasies


Why is it if a guy sleeps around its all cool but if a girl does it she's a fucking slut.


ok so like. this guy. we talked like 3 months ago. im still not over him. i see him everyday at school and i cant get over him. like today it hit hard. i tried getting over him by doing the no contact rule and just stopped texting him for like 2 weeks. i texted him back two days ago and we had a very short convo. but now i cant stop thinking about him and our old conversations. i remember that we used to call and i really want him to call me right now. i want to ft him and everything and its really unhealthy. i know this bc every single time i try to text him again, i end falling harder. and then every single time i cant let him go. i know that he doesnt actually like me. but i keeping thinking that maybe he does. i see him looking at me and my friends are literally so done with me and lwk im done with me too. my friend is telling me to not even think about facetiming him but i really want to. he was so fun to be around but i know hes like a red flag. i just want tot ext him and ask him if he wants to call. but i shouldnt.
ok i know i seem like a fucking pick me but stfu idgaf ok. like this needs to get off my chest atp.


I FEEL SO UNAPPRECIATED AT WORK... Welp. I try my best. I mean that honestly. I work hard to improve things that I touch, and try to create an environment of excellence by challenging norms like "that's how we always do it" when there's obviously opportunity to better align efforts to company values (and to be frank my own work ethic values)...

I see that my coworkers get public praise for things that seem like just doing their job normally, and when I go above and beyond the only people that seem to notice is the client (who is VERY happy with me) and our service manager (who's primary goal is to make sure the client is receiving high quality services from our teams). ...

I got my yearly performance review (although I wouldn't call it a review, I've never had a manager since I can remember ever actually take any time to properly review me or give me any meaningful feedback on the bulk of the efforts I put into my job)... I ended up with a 0.12% (zero point one two) raise, and was categorized as an average employee. My body hurts to process it all...Being unappreciated at work truly, sucks. To top it off, I have my co workers making fun of me ... like kicking me when I'm down.

After decades of work, I feel like I wasted a significant amount of time. When I talk to people from different departments they say they could use someone like me and I don't even work in those areas of business, ;like jus today someone from the accounting dept, and another person from critical operations both told me that they need someone like me. Someone that cares about the things that can improve operations and sincerely cares enough to make the changes...

I have made excellent impressions on various parts of the business, even so far as to be now slotted to work with the highest level of management in the company.. but the work I'm doing I feel like a monkey in a suit, dancing for the benefit of my team but my team doesn't show much appreciation.

To quote Michael Scott: Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked, but it's not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised. I leave work after hard days feeling like I'm wasting my life for nothing..


Am I a bad friend for this or is she just to possessive

So my friend f18of 7 years met an online friend M19(we can call him Kyle). And we’ve all known Kyle for almost 2 years after she introduced us to him but me and him were never that close or really talked when we all played games together on console. So recently we got a new game because she only wanted to play Fortnite and the rest of us were tired of playing it everyday. So we start the game and it’s survival. I’m trying to talk to her and so is Kyle but she’s quiet and we just thought she didn’t wanna talk. We ask her if she wants to help do things in the game but she refused so me and Kyle Decided to go and do it together. Recently me and Kyle had been becoming better friends and not just some random person that we play games with. But this girl hung up the call left the game and texted gn without a word. Then I was told from my other friend that she called and told her she felt left out even after our repeated attempts to get her to play and talk to us. I don’t even know. I don’t know what do y’all think I’m just so lost and feel bad but at the same time why is she being like this.


My SISTER IS A FUCKING CUNT She is controlling, make everything about herself and top it off so fucking ugly with all her sassy attitude up in her face. Anyone (mutual friends/relatives) who sees us when we're together will compliment me and not say a thing about her.

She will then find a way to divert the person's attention to give her compliments as well. PATHETIC MUCH? If that fails, she will try to bring me down by mentioning my failures and her wins. GOSH WHAT A SORE LOSER. She will ask for my forgiveness whenever I point that out and she does it all over again few weeks down the road. I've had it enough with her thinking that she is the best.

Maybe she is caught in a loveless and lonely marriage so she decides to set me up with unknown strangers to her own will. This is really fucked up especially since I've clearly stated to her I don't plan on getting married and having the same life as her. BITCH DON'T MAKE OTHERS SUFFER JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE LIVING A PATHETIC LIFE. GOOD GOD!!!!


I despise job searches. Job interviews. Waiting 6 months to see how much you like or hate the job. I hate the whole process. But sadly it must be done to hold on to the last shreds of my sanity.


I am never going to forgive my wife.

In 2018, we had a Christmas party planned. I was hoping it was going to salvage our sad holiday season. We had no light shows, no Christmas village trips, no NYC, no Santa pictures because we were both ridiculously busy working.

So, I wanted to have the Christmas party to salvage the season.

Instead, the Christmas party that *I* was hosting, *I* made 90% of the desserts for, *I* made 100% of the appetizers and entrees for, *I* bought 100% of the alcohol for, got cancelled behind my back by my wife.

My wife pulled my party out from underneath me.

So, we sent all the invitations through Facebook, same with pictures of gift baskets we prepared, desserts and pics from previous Christmas parties on the event's page.

As I was going to post some pictures of the chocolate peppermint cupcakes *I* made, I saw my wife post:

"There was an unexpected family tragedy. I have to cancel the party. So sorry. I’ll reschedule for sometime in January and hopefully some people can come. I apologize for the late notice. Hope you all have a merry Christmas and happy holidays."

And the event said "EVENT CANCELLED" so the whole thing was bricked.

Except, a couple things:

This tragedy was not unexpected. My wife's sister's husband's father was diagnosed with Liver Cancer that June, and he passed away the day before our party.

Also, it was *my* party. I was the host. People who are not the host don't get a final say in whether or not the party continues!

When I confronted my wife about it, all she cared to say was "it was the right thing to do out of respect."

Except, she stole the party out from underneath me. That's not fucking respectful to me.

She maintains that she did nothing wrong, and even gets defensive and aggressive when I try to hold her accountable for her actions, threatening to leave me.

Sorry you're allergic to accountability, but if I did that, you'd be mad.

RIP to your sister's father in law, but the man had the best healthcare available to mankind and voluntarily didn't see a doctor for 17 fucking years.

There was no mobility or transportation issue with him.

There was nothing physically preventing him from going to the doctor.

He just straight up didn't want to see the fucking doctor due to his old school man pride. Wasted the best healthcare someone like me would kill for.


I really don't feel like cleaning. Its just the kitchen but i hate doing dishes and Lysoling out the fridge shelves. just not in the mood today. Dont come at me saying do it anyway.. i will when i feel like it.


These are your daily reminders:

If you don't like America, you can get out.

There are only two genders.

The earth is ROUND

Vaccines don’t cause autism.

Autism does not give your kid a free pass to misbehave.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Addiction is not a disease.

Tyra Banks is a cunt.

So is Ariana Grande.

If you come up to me begging for money when I'm just trying to walk somewhere, like work or the store, chances are high I will punch you in the face.

There is nothing and I mean NOTHING that’s important enough that a news station has to interrupt regularly scheduled programming to tell us. Tell us at the next news hour if it’s that important.

I am not sharing my seat on the train no matter how much you bitch and moan or how crowded or not crowded the train is.

Biden is not my fucking president.

I am still not speaking to my cousin for disrespecting my wife by not inviting her to her baby shower.


"thats not the reaction i was expecting from dr. Now" . Like really, were you expecting him to jump up and down give you a healthy cookie and say yay you. You made it to Houston but you havent lost any weight" like for real??? What do these fat people expect. If you aren't losing weight, dont use the diet he gave you and your still way over your goal weight then yeah, you are not succeeding whether you physically make it to Houston or not. #SMH #houston #drnow #600lb

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