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I legitimately do not understand why parents think they need to give their adult children permission or an approval to marry their love interest.. i seriously dont. We are adults, im not under your roof, prnts are not marry the love interest. Like for fing real. What the actual hell?? Where do they get off thinking they can dictate other adults relationships?? Ok, rant over.


It's NOT your job to make everyone happy! You can't pour from an empty cup, and it's time to stop trying. The weight of others' expectations is crushing you, and it's time to put that burden down. You can't control how others feel, but you can control how you respond to them. Stop sacrificing your own happiness and mental health to try to appease others. Prioritize yourself, set boundaries, and remember that you can't fix everyone's problems. And as for the depression, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Talk to a professional, and let them help you find your way out of the darkness. #NotYourJob #PrioritizeYou #MentalHealthMatters #BoundariesAreNecessary


Hormone imbalances can straight up suck it! They're like a constant, unwelcome companion, messing with your mood, energy, and overall well-being. One day you're fine, the next you're a hot mess. It's like, can't my body just get it together for once?! The fatigue, the anxiety, the emotional rollercoaster... it's all so exhausting. So, to hormone imbalances, I say: screw you, buddy! #HormoneImbalanceProbs #MoodSwingsForDays #BodyGetItTogether


To the rude guy on the train, who thought it was okay to push and shove his way through the crowded car, I hope you get a taste of your own medicine! Maybe next time you'll think twice before being so disrespectful to others. And yeah, a stubbed toe might be a good place to start - just so you can feel a fraction of the discomfort you caused for others. Karma's coming for you, buddy! #RudePeopleSuck #TrainEtiquette #KarmaIsComing #BeKindToOthers


My husband's ice coffee habit is driving me crazy! He makes a fresh cup, all excited but then leaves it sitting there until the ice melts and waters down the whole thing! It's like, what's the point of even making it in the first place?! You're basically just drinking coffee-flavored water at that point! And don't even get me started on the waste - all that good coffee going down the drain! Can't he just finish it before it turns into a sad, diluted mess?! #CoffeeLoverProbs #IceIceBaby #FinishYourDrink #CoffeeSnobRant


This week has been exhausting! I'm a boxer, for crying out loud! I need to be in top physical condition, but no, my gym class had to go and schedule a two-hour rock climbing session on Tuesday, leaving me feeling like a limp noodle. I couldn't even lift my arms, let alone throw a punch! And to make matters worse, I've missed three days at the boxing gym - the one place where I can release all this pent-up energy and frustration. I'm itching to get back in the ring and give my opponent a piece of my mind (and a few good hooks). Come on, Thursday, hurry up and get here already! #BoxingWithdrawal #GymClassProbs #NeedMyFix #PunchingWallsSoon


I'm so sick of the watered-down, formulaic, and soulless "country" music that's taken over the airwaves! It's all just generic, pop-infused, bro-country nonsense that's lost the heart and authenticity of real country music. And to make matters worse, my coworker insists on blasting it at full volume all day, every day! Can't we get some variety and depth in our music? Where's the storytelling, the twang, and the raw emotion? Give me some good ol' Johnny Cash or Willie Nelson any day! #NotMyCountryMusic #BringBackRealCountry #SickOfTheSameOldSound #CountryMusicLoverInExile


I'm 19, almost 20, and I'm sick of people judging me for being attracted to older men! I'm not a naive little girl, I know what I want and I'm not afraid to go after it. I'm tired of society's double standards and ageist stereotypes. Can't a woman choose who she's interested in without being shamed or labeled a "gold-digger"? I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions, and I deserve respect! #AgeIsJustANumber #WomenDeserveRespect #SexualAutonomy #NoShame


The US is so frustrating, it's like we're constantly taking two steps forward and one step back, with politics and polarization and inequality and injustice, it's exhausting, and don't even get me started on the hypocrisy and the greed and the systemic failures, it's like we're stuck in this never-ending cycle of dysfunction and division, and I'm just so sick of it, can't we all just get along and work towards a better future for once?! #FrustratedWithTheUS #SickOfTheStatusQuo #ChangeIsNeeded #UnitedWeStand #DoBetterAmerica


Ugh, I'm so done with my job, it's like I'm just going through the motions every day, feeling completely unmotivated and unfulfilled, like I'm just a cog in a machine, a replaceable part with no sense of purpose or passion, just trying to make it to the weekend so I can forget about it all for a couple of days, but even that's not enough to get me excited, I mean, what's the point of it all, anyway? #MotivationCrisis #JobBurnout #Unfulfilled #CareerBlues #NeedAChange


I'm fed up with the art teacher's lack of organization and inconsistent teaching style! It's frustrating to see my child come home from art class feeling frustrated and unenthusiastic about creating art. The teacher's constant criticism and focus on perfectionism are stifling my kid's creativity and making them feel like they're not good enough.
I expect more from a teacher, especially one who is supposed to be nurturing young minds and encouraging self-expression. It's time for a change in the art department.
#dobetter #artteacher #weneedbetter


Seeing as its Wednesday hump day! You're halfway to the weekend (or halfway to a nervous breakdown either way, it's a milestone)

I try to be optimistic but I'm really struggling.


What's worse than a bad joke? A bad dad joke! And you know what's even worse than that? When your own dad tells it to you... for the millionth time! It does not get any better the 5th time.


I am tired of my husband always and i do mean always sleeping. Goes to work, comes home and just sleeps as if me and his kids dont exist. I do me he sleeeppss, eat and then goes to bed ignore his kids. Im not asking for him to take them to the park or anything. I know he is tired but he cant just ignore his kids. He helped make them and the need to see him SMFH


The frustration is killing me! I'm trying to find a new family doctor, but it's like they're all putting up a "No Vacancy" sign! Every single one I call says they're not taking new patients, like I'm some kind of medical leper or something! I'm not asking for a kidney transplant or a rare disease treatment, just a simple check-up and some basic care! Is that too much to ask?! It's like the entire medical system is a secret club and I'm not cool enough to get in! And don't even get me started on the ones who promise to "call me back" but never do - it's like they're playing some kind of cruel medical limbo, seeing how long they can keep me in limbo! I just want a doctor who will actually see me, listen to me, and treat me like a human being, not a mere inconvenience! Is that too much to ask?!


Being a nurse is literally sucking the life out of me! I'm done with the grueling 12-hour shifts that leave me feeling like a zombie, the constant exposure to viruses and bodily fluids that make me question my life choices, and the infuriating laziness of some coworkers who seem to think I'm their personal maid! Like, hello, I'm a trained healthcare professional, not a garbage collector! Can't they see I'm already drowning in a sea of patient charts and medication orders?! And don't even get me started on the emotional toll of dealing with difficult patients and families, all while trying to keep a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I'm exhausted, I'm frustrated, and I'm just plain done!


Can we please take a moment to acknowledge the unseen heroes of the 9-to-5 grind?! I'm talking about the ones who show up every day, no matter what, and pour their hearts and souls into their work, often without so much as a whisper of recognition or appreciation! They're the ones who keep the wheels turning, who keep the lights on, who keep the engines humming, and yet they're so often overlooked and underappreciated! It's like, hello, without them, the whole darn thing would come crashing down! So, to all the consumers out there, take a minute to thank the person behind the counter, or the one answering your phone call, or the one fixing your problem - a simple smile and a kind word can go a LONG way! And to my fellow 9-to-5ers, keep on keeping on, your hard work and dedication are seen and appreciated, even if it doesn't always feel like it!


These are your daily reminders:

If you don't like America, get out.

There are only two genders.

The earth is ROUND

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Addiction is not a disease.

Tyra Banks is a cunt.

So is Ariana Grande.

George Floyd died of an overdose

Vaccines don't cause autism

If you come up to me begging for money when I'm just trying to walk somewhere, like work or the store, chances are high I will punch you in the face.

There is nothing and I mean NOTHING that’s important enough that a news station has to interrupt regularly scheduled programming to tell us. Tell us at the next news hour if it’s that important.

I am not sharing my seat on the train no matter how much you bitch and moan or how crowded or not crowded the train is.

Biden is still not my fucking president.

I am still not speaking to my cousin for disrespecting my wife by not inviting her to her baby shower !


DoorDash, what's going on?! I'm a Dasher, ready to roll, but you're leaving me high and dry! I've been waiting for orders for 30 minutes, and nothing's coming through! I've got my car, my phone, and my appetite for delivery domination – but no orders to fulfill! Your app promises a constant stream of requests, but it's as dry as the Sahara desert out here! Get your dispatching act together, DoorDash! I'm out here, ready to work, and you're leaving me idle. I need those orders to make a living, and your algorithm seems to be failing me. Shape up, or I'll have to dash out of here for good! #DoorDashProbs #DasherProblems #DeliveryStruggles #AlgorithmFail #GetItTogetherDoorDash


I'm so sick of feeling like I'm stuck in this never-ending cycle of disappointment and regret. I mean, I had dreams, okay? I had plans! I was gonna be a success, I was gonna make a difference, I was gonna be somebody. But no, life had other plans. And now here I am, stuck in this mediocre existence, feeling like a total failure. It's not just the big things, it's the little things too. I never thought I'd be stuck in a dead-end job, or that I'd be struggling to make ends meet, or that I'd be alone on a Friday night with nothing but Netflix and a pint of ice cream to keep me company. But here I am. And don't even get me started on social media. Seeing all my friends and acquaintances living their best lives, achieving their goals, and traveling the world. It's like, what am I even doing wrong?! Why can't I have that life?! I know comparison is the thief of joy, but honestly, it's hard not to feel like a total failure when it feels like everyone around me is succeeding and I'm just stuck in this rut. Anyway, that's my rant for the day. Maybe someday I'll figure out how to turn my life around and become the person I was meant to be. But until then, I'm just stuck in this shit show of failures and nothingness.

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