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#BIDEN Rants


#Biden, man... I mean, I wanted to give him a chance, I really did. But come on, the guy's been in office for years and what has he really done?! He's just so... incremental. Like, he's always talking about 'building on' what Obama did, but when is he gonna actually do something new?!
And don't even get me started on his foreign policy! It's like, he's just continuing the same old status quo, supporting the same old dictators and regimes. I mean, what happened to the whole 'hope and change' thing?!
And the way he talks, oh man... it's like, he's always trying to sound folksy and relatable, but it just comes across as fake. Like, I know he's trying to appeal to the 'average American', but can't he just be genuine for once?!
And the Democratic party as a whole, ugh... they're just so spineless! They're always compromising and capitulating, never actually standing up for what they believe in. I mean, what's the point of even having a party if you're not gonna fight for your values?!
#NotMyPresident #BidenDisappointment #ProgressivePurgatory #DemocraticPartyFail # PoliticsAsUsual


Why does #Biden keep flip-flopping on important issues like immigration and healthcare?!


#Biden needs to stop trying to appease Republicans and start fighting for progressive values!


CNN 5/5/24 - The #Biden administration paused a shipment of US-made ammunition to Israel, according to a source familiar with the matter, who did not disclose why the decision was made. The hold is not connected to a potential Israeli operation in Rafah and doesn’t affect other shipments moving forward, the source said.

Off to Ukraine instead, trying and load in as much as possible now? If the US election goes to Trump the gravy train funded by US taxpayer's dollars that could be put to better use here at home comes to a screeching halt. And the free ride out offer is out as well. Vegas can take odds on how long he'll last after inauguration w/ a bonus payout to the lucky winner if they guessed the method moving him to his new digs.


#biden needs to be impeached now


Oh god I hope #Trump wins I can't deal with another 4 years of #Biden


Why does #biden look like he is high as fuck


Is it just me or does #Biden look like a wrinkled up prune that spent to much time under the sun.


#Biden needs to resign immediately! He is so freaking bad for this country


Oh lord #Biden is going to get us in a war with Iran eventually I mean come on dude can't you just leave countries to handle their own issues without involving the #USA

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