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this is just a simple rant, about my friend, who is a boy, I have been friends with him since we were like 14 years old, I exchanged schools not knowing he also changed to the same school as me and we met again. we have been best friends for like two years and starting two months ago he started dating someone who he met before at his online classes, i; 'm okay with it since he doesn't say much and just posts about her and all, but he never tells me directly. So the story starts today when we met and my other friend kept wanting to ask questions of him when they asked, the question sounded like, are you taken, when he asked why they need to know they mentioned me saying that I want to know, more like I'm jealous and, the truth is I do have a bit of feeling for him but knowing he is in a relationship, I don't feel like wanting to ruin it, I already guessed by now and I don't know why they think it's the best time to ask now. After that he asked me to come with him and wanted to ask a bit of a question, I just felt embarrassed and knocked it off, he kept on asking why I needed to know and more like do you have a problem with it or just simply stated is there a problem with him dating someone, I'm stupid and don't know what to say I simple just say I need to grow somewhere, I know it seems a bit rude but I. I didn't have the answer at that time so I left.
the situation now is. I won't meet him for like a week because I have to go somewhere and I don't know what to do or answer. I feel so embarrassed and I don't know what to say.
what should I do if I meet him after this?

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