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I am never going to forgive my wife.

In 2018, we had a Christmas party planned. I was hoping it was going to salvage our sad holiday season. We had no light shows, no Christmas village trips, no NYC, no Santa pictures because we were both ridiculously busy working.

So, I wanted to have the Christmas party to salvage the season.

Instead, the Christmas party that *I* was hosting, *I* made 90% of the desserts for, *I* made 100% of the appetizers and entrees for, *I* bought 100% of the alcohol for, got cancelled behind my back by my wife.

My wife pulled my party out from underneath me.

So, we sent all the invitations through Facebook, same with pictures of gift baskets we prepared, desserts and pics from previous Christmas parties on the event's page.

As I was going to post some pictures of the chocolate peppermint cupcakes *I* made, I saw my wife post:

"There was an unexpected family tragedy. I have to cancel the party. So sorry. I’ll reschedule for sometime in January and hopefully some people can come. I apologize for the late notice. Hope you all have a merry Christmas and happy holidays."

And the event said "EVENT CANCELLED" so the whole thing was bricked.

Except, a couple things:

This tragedy was not unexpected. My wife's sister's husband's father was diagnosed with Liver Cancer that June, and he passed away the day before our party.

Also, it was *my* party. I was the host. People who are not the host don't get a final say in whether or not the party continues!

When I confronted my wife about it, all she cared to say was "it was the right thing to do out of respect."

Except, she stole the party out from underneath me. That's not fucking respectful to me.

She maintains that she did nothing wrong, and even gets defensive and aggressive when I try to hold her accountable for her actions, threatening to leave me.

Sorry you're allergic to accountability, but if I did that, you'd be mad.

RIP to your sister's father in law, but the man had the best healthcare available to mankind and voluntarily didn't see a doctor for 17 fucking years.

There was no mobility or transportation issue with him.

There was nothing physically preventing him from going to the doctor.

He just straight up didn't want to see the fucking doctor due to his old school man pride. Wasted the best healthcare someone like me would kill for.

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