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@ItIrks's Profile Admin


Notifications are now up and working here are the things you will receive notifications for...

1. If someone other than you comments on your rant
2. If someone other than you loves your rant
3. If someone mentions you in a rant
4. If someone mentions you in a comment

if you find any bugs let me know.


Image posting for rants will be up today. #ItIrks


List of things added and fixed based on recent requests include.

Things fixed include

1. Random characters appearing when you write something like the word doesn't or the word ya'll
2. You can now include an at sign before a username and that username will be converted to a link leading to the users profile.
3. Hashtags now can be used even when you do not have an ItIrks account.

Upcoming additions include

1. Loving a rant
2. Notifications
3. Up-voting/Down-voting comments if a comment is down-voted enough by the community the comment will be hidden.

to suggest something feel free to use @ItIrks


Comment on this post to let me know what future features you would like to see on #ItIrks

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