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@IHateDaBitch's Profile


When I think why wife can't get any lower she was awarded my fucking car in the divorce even tho I bought it .


What goals have I truely reached in life? as I lay on the couch in my 40's the answer is none


God damn right you did that joe


What ever happen to #covid?


Why is it at walmart people walk in the middle of the fucking lane I'm trying to part god dammit and you are blocking everyone.


So my first impression of this site is that it is easy to use and just out right simple looking design wise. I would like to see a bigger selection of avatars for user accounts tho.


Hello I'm new here and new to using these anonymous rant sites in general. But to cut to the point as to why I am here well my wife is divorcing me after 25 years of marriage and wanna guess what? she gets the kids and the god damn house oh and child support in the amount of 2500 fucking dollars a month. How in the FUCKING hell am I suppose to live myself. I don't wish her any harm but as my username says #IHateDaBitch

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