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A DASH bus driver in LA got attacked by a homeless nut a couple days ago. Because we must not speak Ill of the violent criminal who committed the crime in the YouTube comments section of videos that has the footage, I'll post my comment here:

The attacker needs to be put in a straitjacket and a mask. Jail is hardly a deterrent anymore, but straitjackets, helmets with blacked out visors, wards where the anguished moans go on day and night, and being kept strapped down in a bed would be. It wouldn't be such a bad idea if this hung over the heads of all criminals, not just those with drug induced mental illness.


First you take advantage of that shitty built in exploit and then you cheat via using admits because you couldn't win legitimately. Shame on you.


I fucking hate mother's day so much these days. I love my mum, but I can't believe her. She's genuinely surprised when I don't do big stuff for mothers day anymore.
I guess she forgot that time she yelled at me because my mother's day gift wasn't good enough? Fucking screaming at a 12 year old girl saying she'd "Rather get nothing then a half assed gift". Oh no, my dearest apologies your fucking highness, I wasn't able to finish my week long art project for you because I'm in school.
"Oh you never do anything big for mother's day anymore, boo hoo" You fucking yelled at me last time I did. Go fuck yourself, I'm glad I have to work this mother's day.


I want love. I want to experience love. I want to be hugged, cuddled, and be told that everything will be fine. I want to have someone to cry to. I so desperately crave for it, but something makes me push people away, which makes it hard for me to develop relationships


Maybe some day I won't feel like this


Purposely trying to stay up all night till the next morning after crying all night so your parents feel bad for you for once.


It feels like everyone’s against me and trying to put me down at my lowest


Is it ok to social media stalk the woman your madly in love with even if she is married? morally idk if it's ok but damn I love her so much.


I have a hugeeeeeeee hate for people who sit at the table right next to me in an entirely empty restaurant. Why are people like this? I mean you have all the other fucking tables but you choose to sit right beside someone especially if you have fucking kids I mean it's annoying as fuck


Fuck you, Tiktok.

I didn't know people can see who viewed their profiles if they have Profiles Views turned on. I stalked the girl I was dating a few times and I believe that's the reason she ghosted me. It fucking sucks and it hurts man. Things were going well too.


I have applied to job after job and still no call backs. Why does the job market suck so fuckin much?


Fuck I hate college


I fucking hate my roomate and her cat, we get along pretty well outside of our apartment but I seriously hate the way that she never cleans up after herself, she leaves food on the dishes then sticks them in the dishwasher. Then it ends up smelling like mold!!!!! I have told her multiple times to just clean off her dishes and no results have been found.
I hate that she always has people over and always keeps me up at night. I have a life and classes to go to and work almost everyday


Would you rather your daughter be alone in the forest with a bear or a strange man."

Clearly this was hatebaiting and another reason to bash on men, and to also send the dog whistle message that all men are sexual creeps. And this is the kind of shit men are fed up with. Of course double standards apply and reversing the sexes would not nearly have as much, if any impact.

This is what you can expect from the snakey, criminal minded American woman of today.


Hey. I have been feeling a little annoyed the past few days because I was planning to hang out with someone but that person bailed on me on the last minute because they said that they wanted to be alone which I understand completely but it still sucks when you make plans with people and they decide to bail on the last minute. I already told that person about my feelings but it seems like they are scared of being themselves around me. So does anyone have any advice on how I can handle this without taking this negativity out on the person?


Fuck my life dude


My fucking friend is such a slob he comes over to my place and doesn't clean up after his self whatsoever.


It hurts that no matter what, I'm always the friend or family member who reaches out first. no one ever bothers to check on me or ask me how I'm doing except my mom, but even she doesn't really do it to actually check up on me. she just uses a "hey hows it going" message to start telling me about /her/ day.

when's it my turn to be cared about? when will i be the one who gets asked how are you? you okay? i saw you posting about this, everything going alright? why does it always feel like I'm just here to be everyone's therapist or good-vibes checker?

can't someone care about me like that


#biden needs to be impeached now


Trying again tomorrow technically today but it’s a late night

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