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Of course the house passed the aid package not only for Ukraine this time but Israel also. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF MONEY BIDEN YOU DUMB FUCK GO TO A OLD PERSON HOME


Why do my parents treat me like a child? I'm flipping 20 like come on I don't need you to come in my room unannounced to clean it.


go inside when he sees me. It got to the point that I was so delusional that I would avoid a certain way so that I won't see him. I don't want to see him, yet I want to see him, I'm contented from admiring him from afar. Since I knew we would never be more than that, I mean we're not even friends, I'm just a delusional girl, with delusional dreams that someone I like would actually like me. I found out that my boy classmate knew him, because he had a cousin that's in the same class as him. One day I overheard from one of the girls in their grade that he has a crush on his classmate. It didn't really affect me since I know they can't be together because the girl he likes has a boyfriend. Yesterday I was talking about him to my friends on our group chat. My boy classmate that has a cousin that's from the same class as him, told me that someone on our class had a crush on him and I was so curious on who it was I thought that he was talking about me since they knew that I like him. He refused to tell it to the group chat so messaged him privately and asked who it was, he revealed the name and I was just shattered. It wasn't me though I wished that it was me and that he was just joking. I asked how he thought that our classmate had a crush on him, he told me that he hears them talking about him, and she says that she is chatting with him. I was so speechless that I didn't reply at all. So all this time he was looking at her and not me? I was so delusional, why did he do this? If he didn't like me why can't he just act like it. Why did he have to make me think that I actually had a chance. He was my first crush to make me experience this pain. But at the end I want to thank him because he changed me for the better, he gave me a reason to enjoy school, be more confident, love myself, study harder, and learn to make myself prettier. If not for him I would have still been so insecure. So thank you Nat---, thank you for the experiences, and lessons you taught me. You don't know me but you helped me so much, you might be the right person for me but I'm not the right one for you.


Bro my parents the other I literally just MENTIONED a guy had an eye colour I’d never seen before, which I only said coz it was RELEVANT to the convo!! Bro my parents do this all the time so annoying like pls no


People should resist efforts to accept bigotry because it promotes discrimination, hatred, and inequality among individuals based on characteristics such as race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. By accepting bigotry, individuals are perpetuating harmful stereotypes and prejudices that can lead to harmful actions and perpetuate systemic injustices.

Additionally, accepting bigotry can also harm those who are targeted by it, leading to feelings of isolation, fear, and exclusion. It can also create a culture of intolerance and division within society, ultimately hindering progress towards a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

Resisting efforts to accept bigotry is important for promoting empathy, understanding, and acceptance of diversity. It is essential to challenge discriminatory beliefs and behaviors in order to create a more compassionate and just society for all individuals.

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i ordered my package in december when will it come i just want my stuffed animal gosh damn it


Life in general sucks right now


My parents are getting a divorce sadly I've seen this coming for long time


Love the new site kinda more fun to use.


Gosh damn my balls cheff so bad


Highschool is brutal


Is it just me or does biden look kinda hot after having dozen drinks or so?


I really wish i had a boyfriend :( I want someone to hang out with, to have plans on the weekends with, to visit when I feel upset or happy.


this is just a simple rant, about my friend, who is a boy, I have been friends with him since we were like 14 years old, I exchanged schools not knowing he also changed to the same school as me and we met again. we have been best friends for like two years and starting two months ago he started dating someone who he met before at his online classes, i; 'm okay with it since he doesn't say much and just posts about her and all, but he never tells me directly. So the story starts today when we met and my other friend kept wanting to ask questions of him when they asked, the question sounded like, are you taken, when he asked why they need to know they mentioned me saying that I want to know, more like I'm jealous and, the truth is I do have a bit of feeling for him but knowing he is in a relationship, I don't feel like wanting to ruin it, I already guessed by now and I don't know why they think it's the best time to ask now. After that he asked me to come with him and wanted to ask a bit of a question, I just felt embarrassed and knocked it off, he kept on asking why I needed to know and more like do you have a problem with it or just simply stated is there a problem with him dating someone, I'm stupid and don't know what to say I simple just say I need to grow somewhere, I know it seems a bit rude but I. I didn't have the answer at that time so I left.
the situation now is. I won't meet him for like a week because I have to go somewhere and I don't know what to do or answer. I feel so embarrassed and I don't know what to say.
what should I do if I meet him after this?


I have a crush on a twitch streamer. He's korean and lives in korea. I've been following him for over 2 years now. I'm going to korea this summer on a school trip and he suggested we meet, which is shocking. I sort of put it out there before but I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. So I keep fantasizing about meeting him in my mind. Of course we are just friends and I would absolutely never do anything to him or say anything to him to make him feel uncomfortable. But deep down, I've been in love with him for awhile now. He's literally everything I want and I haven't felt this way about anyone in years.

I don't think he'd ever see me in that way, so I'm going to keep my feelings to myself of course, but in my dreams, he's always there. I even dreamed about him last night. It's crazy how much he's on my mind. I don't have any expectations for us meeting or anything. But just to see him face to face will be enough to me. I love him so much. I really hope that I can meet someone different instead of fanning over him like this, but my heart is so much in love.


TIRED OF FUCKING ACNE seriously i cant have one day without it, im just going to start affirming that may i be a cactus in the arizona desert after i die cause i dont ever want to be a person ever again


if someone asked me to describe myself,i wud say : worthless/failure/disappointment/useless.
thats how i have always felt
i have so much in my heart that i want to type but something in me is stopping me,
i am tired, so tired, of everything
im trying
maybe not hard enough, am i not worthy of what i dream?!
do i deserve to be constantly compared to my cousin who is smarter than me? what am i doing wrong, why does god hate me, why do i get his hardest battles
i simply cannot take a compliment, if someone calls me pretty i'd assume they were lying bcos i have absolutely no self confidence, my parents based my worth on my grades, and now that they've declined i feel worthless. i want to go to med school but i can only thru scholarship bcos i cant afford it
i dont even have the energy to cry it out.
will i ever be worthy enough of love? will i ever make my parents proud? or should i stop trying.


Long time no see how is everyone?

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